Anwar Ben Badis, Mona Halaby and Dorit Naaman begin the tour of Katamon at the Regent Cinema. [Dorit Naaman/Alex Wittholz/Al Jazeera]

Anwar Ben Badis, Mona Halaby and Dorit Naaman begin the tour of Katamon at the Regent Cinema. [Dorit Naaman/Alex Wittholz/Al Jazeera]

Jerusalem, We Are Here


If houses and streets, neighborhoods and cities could tell us their stories, what would these be? The present dominates our sense of space, but the past is always enduring under the surface, even when it has been socially, politically and economically concealed.

Jerusalem, We Are Here is an interactive documentary that digitally brings Palestinians back into the Jerusalem neighborhoods from which they were expelled in 1948. Focusing primarily on the neighborhood of Katamon, Palestinian participants probed their families’ past and engaged with the painful present.

Working together, they produced short, poetic videos, filled with nostalgia, sorrow, and fleeting returns. The films are embedded into a virtual tour where the audience – in Amman, Cairo, Jerusalem, Paris, Toronto and beyond – can “walk” down the streets of Katamon as these were filmed in 2012-2015. As one meanders down the streets of contemporary Jerusalem, the soundscape is of the 1940s; and when one reaches the home of each participant, one watches the video/audio produced. As the generation of Palestinians who survived the Nakba (the 1948 catastrophe) is aging and passing on, there is an urgent need to collect their stories and knowledge, and remap the space that has been declared entirely Israeli. When people flee war, they rarely take with them their photo albums or documents or the art off the walls. Remapping the Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem, house by house, is an organic and communal activity that places them back in their homes, albeit virtually. 

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Press coverage and screenings


Gifreu, Arnau, "Jerusalem, We Are Here",, 12/31/2016


English: Kirkpatrick, Harvey, "Six Questions for Dorit Naaman",, 2/21/2007

Craig, Anne, "Giving a Voice to Silent Memories",, 12/14/2016

Hendra, Peter, "A Neighbourhood Watch",, 3/2/2017

Dajani, Jamal, "Jerusalem, We Are Here",, 3/22/2017

Pelletier, Mary. "Take a Tour of West Jerusalem's Palestinian History",, 4/19/2017

Love, Kailey, " "Jersualem, We Are Here" Offers a Portal to the Past",, June/July 2017


Video: "Interview with Director of Jerusalem, We Are Here", CogecoTV

Radio: Jamal Dajani live on Facebook with Dorit Naaman

Festivals: RIDM—Montreal November 2016

KCFF—Kingston Canadian Film Festival- March 2017

Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) 

Visible Evidence, Buenos Aires, August 2018

Invited Screenings: Middle East Children’s Alliance, Berkley, CA, February 2017

The Jerusalem Fund, Washington D.C. April 2017

Amsterdam School of Heritage, Memory and Material Culture, June 2017

Dar el Kalima, Bethlehem, July 2017

Al Sakakini Centre, Ramalla, July 2017

Other presenatations: "Here, in No-Here, a collaboration with Zochrot", Jerusalem, May 2017

Prizes: Visible Geographies, FLEFF, $500